Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Quick Takes

A Few Notes...

Cathy Alexander announced her resignation from the Domestic Violence Center. This is one of the most critical director jobs in the homeless community, and it is important to have the best and brightest director in this position. DVC is the one organization that can effectively remind the community that homelessness can strike anyone including families and middle class women who flee their houses because of violence. Ms. Alexander is going to work for Mental Health Services, because if current trends continue, everyone serving homeless people will eventually be working for Mental Health Services. MHS has taken over nearly all the permanent supportive housing, outdoor feeding, the entry women's shelter, North Point transitional, and much more. So far, I have not heard any concern from public officials that the "Milo Syndicate" of homelessness may be able to corner the market and drive up all prices for providing shelter and services. I am sure that I will be replaced with a kindler, gentler advocate when MHS finally takes over NEOCH.

Peace Activist Memorial

ACLU of Ohio Board member and long time peace activist, Al Stern passed away in the last week. Anyone who worked for peace is a friend to homeless people. The fact that Mr. Stern also worked for the ACLU, a partner of NEOCH on many civil rights lawsuits in the 1990s, makes it necessary for us to mark the passing of such an important activist. With American troops occupying a couple of other countries and the unprecedented assault on individual rights in the United States seen since 2001, this is a horrible time to lose such an important leader in our community. A celebration of Al's life is planned for Saturday, July 13, 2008 at 1 pm with reception to follow, at Fairmount Temple, 23737 Fairmount Blvd. in Beachwood. The friends of the ACLU will gather to share stories, sing songs, and have a great time in memory of a man who worked so hard, for so long, to make this world a better place.

Please RSVP to director(at) More details will be posted as soon as they are available on the ACLU website.

Police respond to the death of Anthony Waters
Edward Tomba, Deputy Chief of Special Operations of the Cleveland Police did respond to our inquiry about the investigation of the death of Anthony Waters. He said that there were a few witnesses, and that the Police were looking at a group of young people. They had confiscated a bicycle and were processing it. The Police were still investigating and were still dedicating resources to find the attackers. He assured us that he would keep us informed about progress.

Posts by Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless staff and Board.

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