Wednesday, November 16, 2011

NEOCH Invites You to a Local Discussion on Homelessness

Hockey and Homelessness with National Coalition Director

Neil Donovan (pictured above), Executive Director of the National Coalition for the Homeless, will be speaking at Quicken Loans Arena on Saturday, November 19 at 6 p.m. as part of National Hunger and Homeless Week.  Mr. Donovan will be speaking about solutions to homelessness and national issues around housing.  After the discussion, those attending the event will be able to see the Lake Erie Monsters hockey game.

This is a fundraiser and public awareness activity for the local homeless coalition, the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless.  Brian Davis, director of community organizing, is the vice president of the National Coalition for the Homeless Board of Directors.  NEOCH is the local advocacy and public education organization in Cleveland, and has worked on amplifying the voices of homelessness people since 1989. Tickets for the event are $15 of which $5 goes to the local Coalition.  Tickets are available at make sure that you click on "NEOCH" when purchasing your flash tickets.

The National Coalition for the Homeless is the oldest national non-profit organization working on ending homelessness in America.  NCH works on forwarding solutions to homelessness, protecting the civil rights of homeless people, and features a speakers bureau of formerly homeless individuals.  Neil Donovan administered a shelter in Boston, Massachusetts, and worked at the National Alliance to End Homelessness.  He has done consulting work on rural homeless issues, and has a strong desire to empower those experiencing homelessness to speak for themselves.  Donovan will talk about the prospects for ending homelessness in America and will take questions from those attending the discussion. 

This event is part of National Hunger and Homeless week (November 13 to November 19) public education  activities. NEOCH staff and street voices speakers attended an awareness event in Akron this past Monday also as part of homeless awareness week.

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