Homeless Stats for 2009 Based on the Poverty in a City
NEOCH is working on publishing our State of Homelessness report. Every year we update the number of people living in poverty, and then using the Census data we extrapolate the number of people who became homeless during that year. The most recent poverty information available from the US Census is from 2009.
Top 11 Counties in Ohio by population in Ohio sorted by percentage of people living in poverty
County/Major City Number living in Poverty % Living in Poverty
Lucas/Toledo .................. 80,184 ................................... ...... 17.3%
Mahoning/Youngstown........ 39,535 .................................. ..... 16.7%
Cuyahoga/Cleveland ......... 209,216 .... ................................... 16.4%
Franklin/Columbus ............. 181,719 ................................... ......15.8%
Montgomery/Dayton .......... 82,015 .........................................15.4%
Hamilton/Cincinnati ........... 121,418 ..........................................14.2%
Summit/Akron ................. 70,513 ..........................................13.0%
Butler/Hamilton ................ 46,124 ...........................................12.7%
Lorain/Lorain/Elyria.............. 38,519 ..........................................12.6%
Stark/Canton ...................... 46,674 .........................................12.3%
Lake/Painesville ................ 18,232 ...........................................7.7%
Other Counties in Northeast Ohio sorted by percentage of people living in poverty
Ashtabula/Jefferson.............. 16,223 ............................................. 16.1%
Columbiana/Lisbon ................16,374 ...............................................15.2%
Trumbull/Warren ...................29,422 ..............................................14.0%
Portage/Ravenna.................... 20,164 ..............................................12.8%
Erie /Sandusky ........................9,313 .................................................12.1%
Geauga/Chardon .....................7,231 .................................................7.3%
Medina/Medina .....................10,268 ................................................5.9%
OHIO State total ....................830,204 .............................................13.6%
These are big increases in poverty for nearly every county probably due to the financial downturn of 2008. Stay tuned for the full report, which will be out in the next few weeks.
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1 comment:
It seems to me that no one pays attention to the homeless; they're invisible to most people. But right now there's this Awesome thing the Homelessness Marathon which is being aired by Free Speech TV and is giving a voice and face to the homeless. I've given a clip here; it is really great.
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