Sunday, June 24, 2007

Updates from Homeless Coalition

Ways to Get Involved...
1. Teach In set for this week
2. Please renew your membership if you have not done so
3. Volunteer Open House July 19
1. The AmeriCorps*VISTA members of the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless will host a Homeless Teach In on Wednesday June 27, 2007 at 6 p.m. to focus on the homelessness and mental health issues. The Teach In is a 3 hour tour of homelessness in Cleveland with speakers from the homeless community and profiles of programs that serve homeless people with a mental illness. Please RSVP to Emily at 216/432-0540 to join us for this event. We will provide a light meal, and materials to provide a glimpse of homelessness in Cleveland.
2. Our membership renewal went out this week, so if you have forgotten to renew your membership for 2007 please do it this week. Celebrate freedom in America on this upcoming July 4th weekend by renewing your membership in the Homeless Coalition. You can do that online at our website at or by returning the envelope that we sent to you.
3. NEOCH is hosting an open house on July 19 to provide information to potential volunteers. We will talk about all of the exciting opportunities for helping the Coalition. There are special events, planning parties, major donor efforts and increasing membership in the Coalition. We need your time and talent. If you are a good writer or have good people skills we need your help. Join us on Thursday July 19 at 7 p.m. and learn how your talents can be put to good use.
If you have any questions give us a call at 216/432-0540

Posts by Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless staff and Board.

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