Sunday, April 26, 2009

Grading the Administration 14

Weekly Grades for the Administration on Poverty: B

I got to see many senior officials of the Administration, who showed up to talk to advocates about housing issues. Sometimes, just showing up is half the battle. The administration announced the signing of the national service bill, which is a huge step to address poverty. There was another health care meeting to allow small businesses to talk about the crippling costs of health insurance. The President has decided to take on the staggering debt with both credit card reform, and a change in student loans for college. These are both huge issues for lower income people. Student loans are such a rip off since the federal government takes all the risk, but a private company makes all the profits. This is a great day for making college more affordable in America. It has to get through the Congress, and over the massive number of lobbyist, but the fact that the Administration is willing to make the fight is a big step.

The Administration also held a gathering of all the major disability organizations in the Country to talk about policy, government accessibility, and other issues facing those with a disability. The real purpose was to listen to these groups and hear their concerns. Overall, a good week for the struggle to end poverty. Also, a good way to go into the 100th day.

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